Santa’s Surprise

“That’s wonderful!” I exclaimed  as I tore through my presents. I received a countless number of things I wanted. How was Santa so smart?! I was trying to hide my disappointment, but I guess my dad figured something was wrong. He asked,”What’s wrong buddy?” “Nothing Dad.” Even though I didn’t get everything that I wanted, I still got a a lot of good gifts. A new Colts football and a Colts hoodie were my favorites. My brother and sister were jealous of my collection. My grandmother came over later and got me a Xbox 360 Kinect. I played Madden 12 on it for a while until lunchtime. While I was preparing to go to eat at my other great-grandma’s house, I saw something round and shiny under the couch. I pulled it out and was ecstatic to find that it was a NBA regulation Spalding basketball! As I wondered why it was under the couch, I thought that maybe it was Santa’s surprise.